Since people are used to watching videos, Animoto found 1 in 4 consumers tend to lose interest in a company if it doesn’t feature any video on their website. What’s more, nearly two-thirds of consumers say companies that use video know how to reach their customers. In other words, people perceive companies which use video to be more savvy and interesting than those that don’t use it.
Be the one that explains what your product does, how it works and why your customer should have it.
Create 'how to' videos so your customer knows how to use, service and repair your product with ease.
Regardless of your industry, whether your in finance, retail, industrial equipment or data management, we can create product videos that entice your customer through the buyers journey.
The online marketplace has become increasingly competitive as more and more people turn to the video for its ease of use, convenience, and enormous selection of product reviews.
Tell the world who you are, what you do and why you do it all so well. From large corporations to solo tradesman, we'll produce a capabilities video to let your potential new client know exactly who you are and why they should be doing business with you.
Your customer is watching more video today than ever before, reach them in the way they want be reached and engaged through film.
With national coverage, our teams are readily available in any Australian state and in capital cities of NZ. From live streaming of conference events to stand alone camera operators, we can cover your next conference easily.
Multi-camera, live broadcast, live Q&A webinars, guest that can't make it anywhere in the world, ask us how we can get them to your event through video.
We supply both camera operator labour hire for conferences and events as well as post production services.
Google, Facebook and Netflix spent 60% of their own marketing budgets on TV ads. Why such a significant investment in traditional media by new media?
Because TV works. It is still the most effective brand awareness channel.
TV advertising creates, builds and grows brands. TV advertising builds brand fame and keeps brands alive in your mind for much longer than a sponsored post or a search result.
Talk to your employees more regularly through video communication, convey more direct group messaging today.
Our online webinar system will also allow for your employees to watch live if you wish and interact with your executive through text questions onscreen for the executive to answer verbally, live.
This enables you to increase both the reach and the impact of your message. Needless to say, it is important that your webinar can be found easily via Google, which is why a well-designed webinar is search-engine optimised (SEO).
As social media continues to dominate the focus of most company's marketing focus and media budget, now would be the perfect time to produce content that works best on each platform.
Brands need to focus where the bulk of audiences are today and will likely be in the next 12 months.
Between YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat, there's a lot to keep straight when it comes to video content marketing, we can help you produce and optimiSe your videos in the ways that will have the highest impact for each platform.
Video training is quickly replacing conventional training strategies around the globe, making it a viable investment for companies big and small. Providing a centralised video-based learning hub for your employees can be extremely beneficial.
An induction video is aimed specifically at new employees, contractors or consultants who will be spending extensive period of time at the company. Very often an induction video may be re-viewed by older staff, particularly in the case of a new video that contains new or revised policies, products and procedures.
Creating Safety induction videos can reduce the expensive costs and need for training managers especially for companies based in multi locations / States.
Within a company, videos not only assist marketing teams, they also do the trick for HR professionals.
After all, video can be a learning substitute for remote workers and large scale training. And if there is a department that is all about people, it is Human Resources.
If you are part of the HR team, you may already be using video to attract talent or convey messages to employees, and maybe you've incorporated a video on your website already.
If you haven’t, here are 5 reasons why HR professionals should use video.